Submission Requirements


Submissions should be original work not published previously in any language. Manuscripts are normally not more than 40,000 symbols with spaces. All manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form. Manuscripts can be published in Russian and English.

All manuscripts must contain:

1. Title.

2. Abstract (200-300 words) and keywords (5-10 words)

3. Information about the author(s):

  • last name, first name
  • place of work with address and zip code
  • position, academic degree
  • email

4. List of references in English. Transliteration in the “References” list should be made according to the system of the Library of Congress. For this purpose you can use this site.

5. If you want to mention that the research was made with the financial support of a Scientific Foundation, then you must indicate: the name of the foundation, the project number and the project name.

Submissions that do not met these requirements are not accepted for consideration.

Illustrations are accepted only in .tif (.tiff) and .jpg (.jpeg) formats with resolution 300 dpi and higher. The journal may refuse to publish the images if they do not meet these technical requirements. The contributor must indicate the intended place of each illustration in the text of his manuscript. Each illustration must have a title and the indication of the source. In case of borrowing of the illustration, the contributor must indicate the copyright holder and provide his written permission to use the illustration in the publication.

The contributors are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the facts, quotations, names, geographical names and other information, as well as for the fact that the materials do not contain data forbidden for publication.

The contributors must avoid personal insults and offensive remarks against others. The scientific discussion should be conducted with respect to the scientific opponent.