no.2 (04), 2012


Russia in Wars and Revolutions of XX Century

Khodjakov M. V. "Spend a lot of money to save the conspiracy": Petrogradskaya Cheka during the Civil War in the financial Authorities materials

Puchenkov A. S. "To Warsaw!": From the history of Polish-Soviet War of 1920

Petin D. I. Emission policy of Far Eastern "Buffer" in 1920: The new facts

Bochkov E. A. Russian agriculture and food supplies for the Red Army in the early 1920s

Sobolev G. L. Siege of Leningrad: The comprehension of the Truth


Events and People

Tverdyukova E. D. "About the beer tendency and mercantile deviations": alcohol trade in Leningrad in the 1930s

Lazarev S. E., Milbakh V. S. Political repressions in the military academies of Leningrad in 1930-1938

Krivosheev Yu. V., Sokolov R. A. Periodicals about the "Alexander Nevsky" movie. 1938-1939 (part II)

Polynov M. F. M. S. Gorbachev and the "New Political Thinking"


History of Culture and Art

Kharshak A. A. Petr Evgenievich Kornilov (1896-1981). Creative Development. Formation

Kashchenko E. S. The alteration of typical models in Russian Cinema ("Zhizn za zhizn" (1916) and "Semero smelikh" (1936))



Revolt of December 1905 seen by Moscow Police officers. Published by I. V. Govorov

"There was a great Russian affair in my hands"…: Memoirs from the archive of general D. L. Khorvat (part I). Published by A. V. Lugovaya



Kaminskiy V. V. Review on: Ganin A. V. "Korpus oficerov General'nogo Shtaba v gody Grazhdanskoj vojny 1917-1922 gg.": The weakness of Historical-Biographic research


Critics and Bibliography

Ratkovskiy I. S. Review on: Kaminskiy V. V. Vypuskniki Nikolaevskoj Akademii General'nogo Shtaba na sluzhbe v Krasnoj Armii

Kedrov N. G. Review on: Izumova L. V. Stratifikacija Kolhoznoj Derevni v 1930-1960-e gg. (na materialakh Evropejskogo Severa Rossii)

Tkachenko I. V., Doroshenko N. M. About the interpretation of Leningrad Siege by the German veteran

Krymskaya A. S. Review on: Engerman D. Know your enemy: the rise and fall of America's Soviet experts



60th anniversary of Valeriy Rachkovskiy



Chisitkov A. N. Young scientists' conference in the Saint-Petersburg History Institute of Russian Sciences Academy

Goldin V. I. Year 1921 in the fortunes of Russia and World

Petrov E. V., Ryabova L. K. Source study conference EMIGRANTICA - Russian periodicals published abroad