no.2 (04), 2012
Russia in Wars and Revolutions of XX Century
Puchenkov A. S. "To Warsaw!": From the history of Polish-Soviet War of 1920
Petin D. I. Emission policy of Far Eastern "Buffer" in 1920: The new facts
Bochkov E. A. Russian agriculture and food supplies for the Red Army in the early 1920s
Sobolev G. L. Siege of Leningrad: The comprehension of the Truth
Events and People
Krivosheev Yu. V., Sokolov R. A. Periodicals about the "Alexander Nevsky" movie. 1938-1939 (part II)
Polynov M. F. M. S. Gorbachev and the "New Political Thinking"
History of Culture and Art
Kharshak A. A. Petr Evgenievich Kornilov (1896-1981). Creative Development. Formation
Revolt of December 1905 seen by Moscow Police officers. Published by I. V. Govorov
Critics and Bibliography
Tkachenko I. V., Doroshenko N. M. About the interpretation of Leningrad Siege by the German veteran
60th anniversary of Valeriy Rachkovskiy